Tuesday, January 31, 2017



A Rainbow of friends educates children through rhyming poetry that all children though they are different their characteristics are the same. The diversity of all children is different they have different skills and talents all of this makes them apart of the same family of caring friends.


A Rainbow of friends is a children’s literature book covering several genres as in all picture books this format is a colorful combination of text and art including the genres of poetry, verse, contemporary and realistic stories in composing real world situations


1.  Will taking what society calls normal children, on a field trip to an institution with children with developmentally challenges help them understand diversity?

2.  How can we reintroduce the socially challenged and forgotten children to sports and other outdoor activities, and will this help them be less difficult to reach.

These activities are in alignment with saint Leos core values of respect and they are in the spirit of love. This book is about diversity of people and is in alignment with saint Leo values of love and respect for there fellowman the book also parallels with the value of working harmoniously.


A rainbow of friends does not focus on individual characters but mainly focuses on each individual handicap its free spirited and it gets the reader to focus on what being different is really like.


 Hallinan, P. K. (1994). Rainbow of Friends. Ideals Publications.

1 comment:

  1. 1. The students could create Venn diagram in the shape of a rainbow and list all the developmental delays they may have seen or heard from their parents or other classmates. As a class, the teacher and students could talk about how everyone is different but should be treated as equals. Teaching students about respect is a crucial characteristic in the 21st century because so many people believe they are entitled and deserving.
    2. Another activity that could be done in the classroom is asking students to write in their journals about what makes them different and why, and then writing what they like about themselves. It is important to instill confidence into the students but also to teach them that they are not perfect.
